On Saturday the 12th May 2018, several Girlguiding units took part in a Sailing Day at Haysden Sailing Club, near Tonbri…
155 girls and their leaders experienced a day of activities aimed at providing an escape from the pressures of school du…
As part of celebrating the completion of a guide’s Baden Powell award each girl can attend a weekend away. Kent Weald …
Six of us started off at Wateringbury for our six-mile walk. After the recent blanket of snow, we saw that the daffodils…
Weald Division celebrated Thinking Day at St Andrews Church, Paddock Wood. The event started with the fire alarm goin…
On Saturday 13 January 2018, 12 intrepid walkers met at Westminster Bridge. It was grey, it was chilly but that did not…
On Saturday the 25th of November I went for a sleepover with 13th Tonbridge Brownies. We were dropped off at Sevenoaks s…
“To serve our Queen and my community” – well 8th Tonbridge Brownies have certainly done that this weekend. Last…
This weekend has been really fun and exciting. On Friday we were all really nervous as we did not know anyone except peo…
Rainbows had a busy time at Kent Weald’s County Rainbow event on Saturday, 18th November. There was much singing and d…