Trefoil Guild

The Trefoil Guild is part of Girlguiding but has a separate constitution and is independently administered. The Trefoil Guild office is situated within the Girlguiding Headquarters building

The aim and objectives of The Trefoil Guild are:

  • to give practical, financial and moral support to Guiding and Scouting
  • to keep alive among members the spirit of the Guide and Scout Promises and Laws
  • to carry that spirit into the communities in which members live and work.

Contact the Trefoil Guild Central Office

The Trefoil Guild Central Office
Tel: 020 7834 6242 ext 3010


The Trefoil Guild Council and Executive make policy decisions but are guided by decisions of Girlguiding’s Board of Trustees.

The Chairman of The Trefoil Guild is appointed by the Chief Guide, on the recommendation of the Chief Guide after consultation with Country and Region Trefoil Guild Chairmen, for a term of five years.


  • Full membership – is open to anyone aged 18 or over who has been a member of Girlguiding or The Scout Association or who makes the Guide or Scout Promise.
  • Associate membership – is open to anyone aged 18 or over who holds either a Leader’s or Scouter’s unit appointment or a Commissioner’s or Assistant Commissioners’s appointment in either Girlguiding or The Scout Association.
  • Affiliate membership – is open to anyone aged 18 or over who has not made the Guide or Scout Promise but who subscribes to the aims and principles of the two Associations.

Women and men who are members of The Trefoil Guild will have corporate membership of Girlguiding and also of WAGGGS (World Association and Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) without paying an extra subscription.

The Trefoil Guild has its own badge, range of clothing and magazine.


The Trefoil Guild is financially self-supporting.

Each Guild, County, Country and Region is responsible for its own finances. Every member of The Trefoil Guild pays an annual subscription to the Guild, the amount of which is agreed each year by the Executive Committee and recommended to the Council for approval.

There may also be local subscriptions which are collected at the same time as the annual subscription. Further details about the Trefoil Guild may be found in the Trefoil Guild Handbook, available from the Trefoil Guild office and on the Trefoil Guild website.


Adult Volunteers
