The Festival of LaSER

Girl Guiding UK is split into regions, counties, divisions and districts. Kent Weald County is part of London and South East England (LaSER) region. The LaSER region, like all Girl Guiding regions in the UK, has recently celebrated its 50th birthday. To celebrate this, there was a weekend full of activities that the all the sections could enjoy at home.


Pasta making, musical cups, making a rainbow and drawing alpaca/moose were just some of the activities offered for the girls over the weekend.

One Brownie also enjoyed making a compass with a magnet, a cork, water and a needle. While another Guide loved the sing-a-long campfire and s’mores (melted marshmallow between two biscuits).

Also, during the weekend, the Region Chief Commissioner of LaSER Sally Christmas, led the renewing of the promise as well as introducing the different areas of LaSER.


Overall the Festival of LaSER was a great weekend, and all the videos can be watched on Girlguiding London and South East YouTube channel, see link.

moose-drawn-by-brown-owl renewing-promise