Centenary Celebration for 2nd Southborough

We have been meeting outside since the 4th September and everyone is loving it!  We are meeting in 2 completely separate groups each consisting of 8 or 9 Brownies, 2 young leaders and 2 adult leaders all socially distanced of course!  You could say we have taken over the “South of France” – well the one in Southborough at least!  A couple of meetings have been cancelled due to the weather, so we went back to Zoom.

We started with socially distanced games, progressed to armpit fudge and various challenge activities to keep us moving as it gets colder.

We celebrated our Centenary on the 18th September by decorating biscuits with a chocolate chip “100”.  We were aiming to toast s’mores over a t-light, but it was too windy, so girls took them home to toast.

The girls all had individual bags (prepared in advance with lots of hand washing) containing all the items necessary for the activities as well as a Centenary Badge. We used “bubbles” to give the event some atmosphere – dispensed by arm waving of course!


Leader – 2nd Southborough Brownies

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