Rainbows had a busy time at Kent Weald’s County Rainbow event on Saturday, 18th November. There was much singing and dancing as well as drama workshops for all. There were “dragons” to be fed, “crocodiles” to avoid and “horses” to ride. Sewing, dressing up, music-making and cake decorating were also on offer and the girls seemed to enjoy everything they did. Rainbow Leaders accompanying their girls made the most of opportunities to chat with other Leaders and many took away new ideas for their units – new songs were particularly appreciated.
I would like to thank the activity leaders, most of whom were Brownie and Guide Leaders. I hope they all enjoyed working with our youngest members. In particular, Julia deserves a special mention for organising catering (and organising an activity), Clare for bringing “loadsastuff”, Sara for shopping, Sharon and team for car parking duties, and Doreen for being First Aider. Thank you, Judy for getting us organised on the day and Tina for organising much of the paperwork in advance and at the event. Last but by no means least, thank you to Mary who has been a great support during the year of planning this event.
Sally Hutchings