Rural Malling Experiments with Science


On Saturday 13 May, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Young Leaders and Leaders joined together for a fun afternoon of activities based around a Science theme in East Malling.

The girls were put into groups comprising of all Sections and then moved around the hall taking part in six different activities organised by the Leaders gaining stickers to put in their Laboratory Reports.

Activities they could take part in were making helicopters, solving the problem of who had stolen the Brownie Bear using Chromatography, putting body parts in the right place (sighted and blind folded), making lava lamps, rockets and salad spinner pictures learning about centrifugal force.

Plenty of biscuits were eaten and the afternoon finished with some lovely singing.

Thank you to all the Leaders for giving up their time and to the girls for coming along.

Alison Mighell
Malling Rural District Commissioner

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